Is TikTok The Way To Go For Content Marketing In 2023?

Source: CNBC

The Trendiest Platform now

No matter where we are, we witness TikTok on the phone screens of many individuals. It may just be many short videos, some with no context at all, playing within that very application but it has managed to gather the interest of many. Why is this so? Search up your favourite celebrities on TikTok and whether you find them on the platform or not shall be the answer to your doubt. Cristiano Ronaldo and Kylie Jenner, both the most followed male and female celebrities on Instagram as of 2023, are both present on TikTok. The presence of these high-key public figures on the platform naturally drives footfall.

Source: Sensor Tower

TikTok ranked first in both App Store and Google Play revenue. For a 5 year old application that is up against other globally renowned and veteran applications such as Facebook and Youtube, this is an exceptional feat that reflects the application’s promising future.

Home to Trendsetters

Source: BoF

Gen Z is now creating trends that have virality and affect the behaviours and opinions of older generations globally, from technology to entertainment. Moreover, this is only just the beginning of the change, challenge and opportunity Gen Z is able to bring as a consumer.

Out of the 1.023 billion users aged 18 and above on TikTok (as of July 2022), 39.8% of them are aged 18-24 while 29% of them are aged 25-34. With more than 50% of the population being Gen Zs, it is definitely beneficial for businesses that seek to grow to hop onto this platform. All you need is a phone, a persona and you are set!

Budget Friendly For Businesses

Source: PNGkit

The most enticing part about leveraging on TikTok for businesses is that it brings success within any sized budget. It allows lesser-known brands or brands who have just started out to get more organic reach without spending a lot, making it the most appealing and affordable option for growth now.

Enhances Authencity of Brand Image

Source: Qualtrics

Brands often struggle with upkeeping their brand image but TikTok offers a free space for brands to do so without much restrictions. There is an untapped threshold for leisure and humor in most businesses, and TikTok is the most suited platform to connect your brand with users, who desire human connection and realness. This can be attained through TikTok’s light-hearted, quirky and entertaining content. Reflecting your brand as one that is relatable to consumers consequently enhances brand engagement and, paints a positive image for your brand too.

One response to “Is TikTok The Way To Go For Content Marketing In 2023?”

  1. Hi Alvin, I’ve enjoyed reading your blogpost.

    You’ve made some really great points about why TikTok is a platform that businesses should consider for content marketing in 2023. Firstly, the fact that so many celebrities are using TikTok is definitely a sign that it’s a platform with a lot of influence and reach. Additionally, the fact that it’s home to so many trendsetters means that brands have the opportunity to tap into these trends and reach a wide audience. Another great thing about TikTok is that it’s budget-friendly for businesses of all sizes. This is a huge advantage for smaller or newer businesses who may not have a large marketing budget to work with. Additionally, the fact that TikTok allows for a lot of authenticity in brand image is really valuable. Consumers today really value transparency and authenticity from brands, so being able to convey those qualities through TikTok content could be really beneficial for businesses.

    Overall, your post is a great reminder of the power of TikTok as a platform for content marketing. The statistics he provides and the arguments he makes are all really convincing and should definitely be taken into account by businesses looking to expand their reach in 2023.


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